Friday, May 31, 2019

Colombian Revolutionary forces Essay -- essays research papers fc

In Columbia there argon five main purveyors of violence, the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia, Peoples Army), the ELN (Army of National Liberation), the AUC (United Farmer Self justification Group), the Columbian National Army, and the Narco Mafias. The FARC-EP is perhaps the more or less dominant, and knock-down-and-drag-out of all the groups. The FARC-EP controls a zone roughly the size of Switzerland in the Southern part of Columbia. The FARC-EP considers the zone to be A laboratory of peace (1), while many, consider it to be a zone of fear (2). The FARC-EP kidnapped over 700 people in their zone in 2000 (2), these people, for the most part are the people that the FARC-EP is supposedly fighting to free. The ELN is also involved in many kidnappings and civilian killings, not to mention drug trafficking. The AUC, which was originally organize to combat guerilla movements, has almost became a guerilla movement in and of itself, the government calculates the AUC no w kills more civilians than the main guerrilla army it was founded to combat (3). The AUC kit and boodle hand in hand with the Columbian National Army, something for which the Columbian National Army has come under fire for in recent months. The Narco Mafias, though they are extreme perpetrators of many violent episodes in Colombia, lack a political agenda, and are only concerned with the production and transport of narcotics. Can any of these violent groups be considered as terrorists? According to the FBI, terrorism is the unlawful ...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Speech Directed to Politicians About The Problem of Homelessness :: Papers

A Speech Directed to Politicians About The Problem of Homelessness Today, we ar faced with an increasing problem in society unsettledness. When we walk down the street, we find many people sleeping rough, living a life with drugs and inebriant as their only comfort. We are all united in tackling this dilemma that forces local authorities in Britain to take responsibility for housing 110,790 homeless households and in London, 28,610. I alone cannot do it, which is why I necessity your servicing to set up bed and breakfasts, detox centres, charities and some solace for these people. It is our duty to help our nation bring itself up to scratch it is our duty to help each other. Do unto others as you would apply them do unto you. Not only do we regard to find homes for the homeless. We need to help them kick the habit of drugs and get them to hospitals where their health can be cared for. Homeless people have a frequency of personal health problems two or three time higher than the general population. Also, more than half of the people sleeping rough on the street have mental health problems, more than half. They can be a danger to themselves and to others, which is why they absolutely need our help. An alarming thought is that the statistics only count the homeless people who have applied to local authorities for help, so I have no idea how many have not been accounted for who desperately need help. I have heard about too many cases of homeless people who abuse drugs, which have shocked me and will shock you as well. one and only(a) of them was a nineteen-year-old called Francis - he wasnt that sure of his age, estimable like many other things in his life. His teeth were rotting so badly there were just black shards of them left and he smelled of old faeces and sweat. His own mother had introduced him to drugs when he was just a fifteen-year-old and then dumped him and his brother in a

College Sports :: essays research papers

Are things equal between the sexes in college sports? "Monday night footb tout ensemble wont be shown this week, instead wowork forces heavens hockey provide be aired." Monday night football has been a long lasting American pastime and a change like this would tend to sincerely shock and interrupt millions of dedicated football fans. This group, made up of mostly men gather round the tube each week for a hap to watch men running around a content carrying a ball and running into each other. The situation I stated earlier believably wont happen, at least not in the near future. Mens sports still seem to dominate, and in order to allow this to be changed, certain steps moldiness be taken. commencement ceremony of all, the situation of necessity to be addressed as a serious problem, then those people affected need to be determined. Next, the pretend of the problem needs to be addressed and finally, it is time to think of solutions. So, first of all, is there really a pr oblem? Why does it matter that men start up all the attendance in sports? Thats the way it has been for hundreds of years dating back to the first Olympics. But then again why should men get all the attention, women work vindicatory as hard as men at their sports, why not give them some credit? Men and women are tough differently in sports ranging from the size of budgets, the progeny of scholarships minded(p), and in how many athletes are participating in sports. Mens acrobatic budgets are without a doubt a lot high than womens athletic budgets. On average mens athletic budgets are nearly five times that of womens (Moline 18). An example of this is at schools that offer womens sports of field hockey and volleyball that have budgets less than 20% of that which is allocated for mens sports. Overall operating funds for womens sports are about three times that of mens. Funding for individualistic sports is different tho when all added together men receive a lot more money for their sports than women. Another difference between mens and womens sports is the number of athletic scholarships given to athletes of differing sexes. Male athletes, as a whole, receive twice the number of scholarships that women athletes receive. In a survey conducted by the NCAA( national collegiate athletic association) of 253 division 1 schools, athletic scholarship funding was 69.5% for men and 30.College Sports essays research papers Are things equal between the sexes in college sports? "Monday night football wont be shown this week, instead womens field hockey will be aired." Monday night football has been a long lasting American pastime and a change like this would tend to really shock and upset millions of dedicated football fans. This group, made up of mostly men gather round the tube each week for a chance to watch men running around a field carrying a ball and running into each other. The situation I stated earlier probably wont happen, at least not in the n ear future. Mens sports still seem to dominate, and in order to allow this to be changed, certain steps must be taken. First of all, the situation needs to be addressed as a serious problem, then those people affected need to be determined. Next, the cause of the problem needs to be addressed and finally, it is time to think of solutions. So, first of all, is there really a problem? Why does it matter that men get all the attention in sports? Thats the way it has been for hundreds of years dating back to the first Olympics. But then again why should men get all the attention, women work just as hard as men at their sports, why not give them some credit? Men and women are treated differently in sports ranging from the size of budgets, the number of scholarships given, and in how many athletes are participating in sports. Mens athletic budgets are without a doubt a lot higher than womens athletic budgets. On average mens athletic budgets are nearly five times that of womens (Moline 18 ). An example of this is at schools that offer womens sports of field hockey and volleyball that have budgets less than 20% of that which is allocated for mens sports. Overall operating funds for womens sports are about three times that of mens. Funding for individual sports is different but when all added together men receive a lot more money for their sports than women. Another difference between mens and womens sports is the number of athletic scholarships given to athletes of differing sexes. Male athletes, as a whole, receive twice the number of scholarships that women athletes receive. In a survey conducted by the NCAA( national collegiate athletic association) of 253 division 1 schools, athletic scholarship funding was 69.5% for men and 30.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Satisfaction Gained from Blogging :: Blogs

Satisfaction Gained from BloggingThe question most frequently asked about blogging is why. What is in a blog that makes it something unique that pot find attractive large to want to write about their daily lives to the whole world? While there are many reasons bloggers do what they do, Im looking specifically at what satisfaction is gained from it. The blog I have observed over the past few weeks is very much same a regular diary posted by Jim. He talks about anything and everything he deems important enough in his life. Generally speaking, he posts about existent events and thoughts on real things that happen directly in his life. His posts go back quite a ways too, about a year, and he posts daily. To me, this sounds almost addicting. It was at this point that I began to wonder what made blogging so addicting and questioned the enjoyment and pleasure factors that are involved. I finally emailed Jim and asked him why he blogs and who he blogs for. His answer was the expected an swer Really, I just do it for myself. My thoughts have no...order, really...theyre all very disjointed and random. I dont know why anyone reads mine, its really not that good and not as elicit as some of the others out there. Though I am flattered when people tell me they do enjoy it. I also think theyre crazy, but thats not the point...My friends do theirs as a journal of sorts...but I try not to write anything too incredibly personal. I think many people like Jim want their readers to think that they just do it for themselves and not for any real reasons. However if this were true, no blogger would write their journals online in the first place. The idea of having potentially thousands of people reading their blogs and commenting on them is enough to make bloggers post. If Jim and all those out there that really just do it for themselves they would keep it private. He states that he doesnt do his as a journal like his friends, but upon reading a few entries, youll find that is ex actly like a journal, and some of his posts are extremely personal. Though I am flattered when people tell me they do enjoy it. That kind of reinforcement from the internet public is precisely the idea I am trying to get across to the bloggers who may be in denial about doing it just for themselves.

Characterization of The Duke of Ferrara in My Last Duchess by Robert Br

Characterization of The Duke of Ferrara in My Last Duchess by Robert BrowningThe Oxford English Dictionary defines the word officious during the 19th century as eager to please attentive, obliging. In the dramatic monologue, My Last Duchess by Robert Browning, this word describes a servant that is volunteering his service unnecessarily to the Duke of Ferraras wife. Although the speaker, the Duke of Ferrara, is speaking of this servant in a negative manner, he wishes his wife to be officious towards him the Duke of Ferrara wishes to have total tone down. So, the Duke is both discouraging and discouraging officiousness, depending on whom it is directed. The Duke of Ferrara emphasizes his need for power and control over his wife, and demonstrates obvious signs of being a control freak, whether it be purposefully or inadvertently, through the style of the dialogue, composition of the dialogue, and the treatment of the messenger that emphasizes the role of the listener. The ver se gains the readers interest from the very beginning with this line That is my last Duche...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Alchemy :: essays research papers

Alchemy, ancient art practiced especially in the Middle Ages, use chieflyto discovering a substance that would transmute the more common metals into lucky or silver and to finding a means of indefinitely prolonging human life.Although its purposes and techniques were indeterminate and often illusory, alchemywas in many ways the predecessor of modern science, especially the science ofchemistry.The birthplace of alchemy was ancient Egypt, where, in Alexandria, it began toflourish in the Hellenistic period simultaneously, a school of alchemy wasdeveloping in China. The writings of some of the early Greek philosophers mightbe considered to contain the depression chemical theories and the theory advancedin the 5th century BC by Empedoclesthat all things are composed of air, earth,fire, and waterwas influential in alchemy. The papistical emperor Caligula is saidto have instituted experiments for producing gold from orpiment, a sulfide ofarsenic, and the emperor Diocletian is said to h ave ordered all Egyptian worksconcerning the chemistry of gold and silver to be burned in order to stop suchexperiments. Zosimus the Theban (about AD 250-300) discovered that sulfuricacid is a solvent of metals, and he liberated oxygen from the red oxide ofmercury.The fundamental concept of alchemy stemmed from the Aristotelian doctrine thatall things tend to reach perfection. Because other metals were thought to beless "perfect" than gold, it was reasonable to assume that nature formed goldout of other metals deep within the earth and that with sufficient skill and labor an artisan could duplicate this process in the workshop. Effortstoward this goal were empirical and practical at first, but by the 4th centuryAD, astrology, magic, and ritual had begun to gain prominence.A school of pharmacy flourished in Arabia during the caliphates of the Abbasidsfrom 750 to 1258. The earliest k directlyn work of this school is the SummaPerfectionis (Summit of Perfection), attributed to t he Arabian scientist andphilosopher Geber the work is consequently the oldest book on chemistry properin the world and is a collection of all that was then known and believed. TheArabian alchemists worked with gold and mercury, arsenic and sulfur, and saltsand acids, and they became familiar with a wide range of what are now calledchemical reagents. They believed that metals are compound bodies, made up ofmercury and sulfur in different proportions. Their scientific creed was thepotentiality of transmutation, and their methods were mostly blind gropingsyet, in this way, they found many new substances and invented many usefulprocesses.>From the Arabs, alchemy generally found its way through Spain into Europe.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy is a therapeutic approach in psychology that helped foster the humanistic theories of the 1950s and 1960s and that was, in turn, influenced by them. In Gestalt philosophy, the affected role is seen as having better insight into himself or herself than the therapist does. Thus, the therapist guides the person on a self-directed path to aw areness and refrains from interpreting the patients behaviors. Awareness comprises recognition of ones responsibility for choices, self-knowledge, and ability to solve problems.Its originators, Frederick S. (Fritz) Perls (18931970) and Laura Perls (born Lore Posner, 19051990), were born in Germany and studied psychology there. They fled Germany during the Nazi regime, moving to southbound Africa and then to New York City. They were both initially influenced by Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytic approaches and by Wilhelm Reichs Orgonomic psychotherapy. Their latterlyr ideas on Gestalt therapy broke with the psychoanalytic tradition, movi ng toward existential philosophy and, ultimately, humanism.In New York City the Perls founded the Gestalt Therapy Institute in 1952. Their novel technique in therapy was to face the patient, in contrast to the typical Freudian technique of sit down behind a reclining person. The face-to-face positioning permitted the therapist to direct the patients attention to movements, gestures, and postures so the patient could strive to bring in a congested awareness of his or her speedy behaviors and environment.Another well-known approach introduced in Gestalt therapy is the so-called empty chair technique, in which a person sits across from and dialogue to an empty chair, envisioning a significant person (or object) associated with psychological tensions. By using these techniques, the Perls believed, the patient would be able to gain insight into how thoughts and behaviors are use to deflect attention from important psychological issues and would learn to recognize the presence of is sues from the past that affect current behavior.The aim was for the patient to lie with feelings, not to gain insight into the reasons for them, as psychoanalysts favored. In the evolution of their therapy, Laura and Fritz Perls differed in some of their approaches. Laura emphasized more direct, sensual contact and movement than Fritz did, and the contact favored by Fritz Perls was more symbolic than physical. Gestalt therapy took its name from the school of academic psychology called Gestalt psychology. Perls asserted that Gestalt psychology had influenced the development of his ideas, but the Gestaltists laimed that there was no connection between the two. Later scholars suggested a common substrate linking the academic Gestalt psychology of Max Wertheimer (18801943), Wolfgang Kohler (18871967), and Kurt Koffka (18861941) and the Gestalt therapy of the Perls and their collaborators Ralph Hefferline (19101974) and Paul Goodman (19111972). This commonality involved appreciation o f the whole rather than a reductionistic approach to understanding psychological phenomena and behavior. Gestalt therapy took form in the 1950s and 1960s, when humanism first flourished.The optimistic theory promulgated by the Perls was quite compatible with the ideas of other humanistically oriented psychologists such as Carl Rogers (19021987). Its influence has waned since the 1980s, although current therapies have been influenced by the humanistic and optimistic outlook of the theory and by some of the interactive techniques developed by the Perls and their followers. Gestalt theory, a major(ip) school of psychology during the first half of the twentieth century, was an influential counterpoint to the other mostly atomistic psychological systems of the time structuralism, functionalism, and behaviorism.While its controversies with these other systems during the climb on of schools in psychology have receded into history, its major tenets once again became salient toward the end of the twentieth century in such fields as neighborly psychology, cognition, personality psychology, and visual neuroscience. Gestalt psychology proposed a radical revision of the atomistic view that had prevailed for centuries in Western science and social science. Natural wholes, according to the Gestalt view, are not simply the sum total of their constituent parts.Rather, characteristics of the whole determine the nature of its parts, prescribing the place, role, and function of each part in the unified whole. The Gestalt principle of Pragnanz, furthermore, asserts that the physical composition of any whole will be as good (i. e. , balanced, simple, integrated) as the prevailing conditions allow. This insistence on holistic processes applies equally to all integrated wholes, from physical systems such as electrical fields, magnetic fields, and soap films to psychological systems such as cognitive processes, the organization of perception, personality, and social phenomena.The G estalt movement is generally viewed (Ash 1995 King and Wertheimer 2005) as having been launched by a series of experiments by Max Wertheimer (18801943) on apparent movement published in 1912, although clear indications of a Gestalt perspective were already ostensible in two earlier publications of Wertheimer on musical structures (1910) and on aboriginal thinking about numerical issues (1912).Two of Wertheimers colleagues who served as observers in these experiments, Wolfgang Kohler (18871967) and Kurt Koffka (18861941), became his collaborators during the adjacent decades in promulgating the new Gestalt approach (Kohler 1929 Koffka 1935). A typical experiment in Wertheimers series involved, for example, exposure of a short vertical line in the visual field, followed after a brief interval by exposure of a second similar vertical line a short outperform away from where the first one had been exposed.If the time and distance relations are appropriate, observers see a single line m oving from one location to the other. The experience is indistinguishable from watching an actual short vertical line move from one location to the other in both cases, the perception of motion is immediate and compelling. The prevailing alternate theoretical orientations, maintaining that percepts always correspond with their correlated physical stimuli, could not explain the perceived motion when the actual stimuli are two stationary lines successively exposed.The whole, the experience of motion as a Gestalt, cannot be derived from a combination of the component sensations of the two stationary stimuli. The Gestalt school became prominent in European and American psychology. Its principles of perceptual organization have been summarized in almost every introductory psychology textbook Wertheimers book Productive Thinking. (1945) challenged the computer models of the late twentieth century to try to account for the ubiquitous cognitive processes of insight and understanding.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Describe the Role of Hr Professionals in Designing

Introduction This question asks to address how intimidation policies and procedures are a confinement of HR to implement in the study therefore this answer will define exactly what blusterous is, what policies should be in place and any recommendations for the accompaniment of bullying in the workplace. Relevant case examples will be used to support the argument along with relevant referenced authors, on this topic. On concluding, how bullying corporation be prevented will be reflected on after stating what the future whitethorn hold for bullying in the workplace.What is bullying? Since the shift from Uni-cultural societies to multi-cultural societies in y erupthful times, there has been a significant decrease in perceived inequalities in the workplace. However, the issue of bullying is still prominent in many organisations, (especially throughout Ireland today). Baillien et al. (2009) defines bullying as persistent negative behaviour at work in which the victim is subject to psychological, physical or sexual acts by the perpetrator and practically find themselves in a position where they are unable to defend themselves.The analysis carried out found that bullying, or some form of harassment, was likely to add up out of one of three pathways inter in-person frustrations, interpersonal conflict and intragroup level. The problem with the latter is that the culture of gossip within organisations has become a norm and hence the certain behaviours by perpetrators may often be overlooked. Although bullying is often associated with actions that people carry out, it also includes actions that individuals fail to do such as providing necessary training to a particular employee. For example, if new technology is introduced into the firm, extra training will be required. Hence, if bullying of a certain employee was occurring, this may principal sum to their deprivation of sufficient training which in turn will have a negative consequence for the entire firm. ) Within Mas let loose (1943) hierarchy of wishings framework, natural rubber needs are crucial to all employees and the victimisation due to bullying will prevent the fulfilment of this need in the workplace. As a result, low productivity and low morale may be present within the workforce.Policies/Procedures As the question states, it is the task of the HR department to ensure the design & executing of policies and procedures to prevent or deal with the occurrence of workplace bullying. The event hierarchy of the bullying (reference) intervention process has three levels the prevention zone which involves policy enquiries by the target, the intervention zone which begins with an informal complaint and may lead to a formal complaint, and the failure zone where legal action is taken.In order to prevent an employee range the highest level and engaging in legal action, it is the responsibility of HR to assist in dealing with the problem immediate to the first complaint. bully/Harass ment must(prenominal) be occurring in the workplace as opposed to personal life conflicts between workers in order for HR to manage the situation tho studies carried out in this area have shown that senior level vigilance are often weak in dealing with issues of bullying or harassment. (Baillien et al. 009) Consequently, when HR is implementing practices, they need to ensure the co-operation and comprehension of senior level managers in this area. There are three main actions HR can take in order to pare bullying situations. Firstly the implementation of clear, concise policies needs to be carried out which state unacceptable behaviours classed as bullying or harassment and the procedures an individual may take if found subjected to this behaviour. In addition to this, a Code of Conduct should be established in order to set out training procedures for employees and management as a means of preventing 7workplace bullying.Within management training, conflict resolution and mediati on skills need to be provided in order to act effectively. During the recruitment of management in an organisation, it is vital to ensure they have people management skills along with task related competence. Finally, often the most important thing HR and senior managers can do is lead by example. If policies and procedures are implemented alone managers are not behaving in a way that complies entirely with these, then this could lead to perverse effects by subordinates. ExampleOne primary example of where HR failed to act on behaviour of a new employee that initially was unacceptable by the firm but resulted in unacceptable behaviour to moral society was in relation to Rob Parsons within Morgan Stanley. (Burton, 1998) Parsons was hired to achieve a growth implementation system as Nasr believed he was the man to do it. However, a culture of strict policies and procedures within the organisation meant that Parsons Non-compliance immediately stood out. Initially, he was not involve d with bullying but was seen as a lone wolf within the firm, significantly seen through his inability to perform within a team.As time lapsed, HR and Parsons Management failed to expect him on his behaviour and essentially allowed the collapse of their organisational policies for him due to the fear he may leave the firm. Eventually, he was fired as a result of a bullying case that occurred at a client meeting. He had been making unacceptable critical remarks to a fellow female employee of the firm, humiliating her in expect of the client. Hence, the occurrence of Parsons psychological bullying was finally evident and may have been prevented if HR followed through with their policies with all employees including Rob Parsons.Future of Workplace Bullying Due to the increase of technology, the working environment now often extends into the realm of personal life. In effect, this may cause the enabling of workplace bullying to stretch along further than the perimeter of the four wall s of the organisation and in particular, social networking sites are a primary target for the extension of this bullying. However, since present policies and procedures focus on workplace bullying, victims may be limited to the actions they can take.With the growth in the integration of personal and work life, HR may be unable to address their policies to include outer work boundaries due to legal constraints. Although, conversely it may be easier to identify and prosecute the perpetrators of bullying or harassment if the behaviour extends to personal life, such as through social networking sites. Conclusion Bullying and harassment is often a topic ignored within the workplace as victims sometimes feel ashamed and managers choose not to deal with the problem. However it is the responsibility of HR to ensure these practices are implemented and abided by all, including management.Failure to do this will doubtless lead to extensive consequences such as reputational damage to the firm , direct costs including replacement costs and indirect costs such as low productivity. Although not a continuing case of bullying, the Morgan Stanley case briefly highlights how the failures of HR and senior management to address his unacceptable behaviour from the outset led to undesired effects, including his remotion from the firm and legal action by a fellow employee. All in all, the prevention of workplace bullying can be assisted by appropriate practices carried out by HR.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Foreign Language Instruction Should Begin in Kindergarten Essay

A foreign spoken communication is a verbiage verbalise in another country and is indigenous to that country. In many nations around the word there has been interest to initiate foreign language in Kindergarten onward the dupes joins primary drill (Hawkings,1996).From the past experiences, there has always been frequently asked question whether the foreign language should start to be taught in the kindergarten, the take aim at which the kids ar five to six years of age .This from concern that that foreign class is most boring ,the kids dont posses good conversation skills, vocabulary requisite is to learn the nuances of a foreign language and that the language requires high comprehension which is difficult for the kids at this stage . Since there is carry to teach the foreign language for we need help and social interaction from other nations and for other benefits from international relation, the question cannot be assumed. I strongly agree it should start at this leve l for four major reasons, first, their brain at this level has a greater capacity to absorb information, second, the world is getting a lot various(a) and there is need for children to interact from different ethnicities, third, for education advancement, and lastly, its one factor for the professional and intellectual development. agree to satchwell, (2004) the children at this stage learn much quickly as compared to the elder children. At the stage they are able to grasp new and basic information fast as compared to children in other levels especially high school who struggle much to grasp the structure of any new language. A good explanation to the fact is computer, which when used at first time runs real fast but slows down gradually with time. The kids are also so much susceptible to new information and develop interest to know more than than roughly it. This is same case when taught foreign language .They will became more curious about outer world culture and habi ts differing from them .Its interesting to con them go home and tell their parents what new they have learnt and consequently this increases their level of comprehension On intellectual degree and professional scale, re centime studies done, learning a new language can helps children develop their intelligence. This is because the process of reading, listening, writing and speaking abroad languages helps kids naturally develop the ability of coding and decoding process. Consequently, there is more links between neurons which are determining aspect of intelligence. Furthermore, in early ages, kids mind is like sponge which gets vocabulary quicker and more simply, naturally than that of elder children. Therefore, when kids are taught foreign languages at earlier stages, they understand it deeper learn faster, and the better they became (chambers, 2000) On the other hand, on professional scale, studying foreign languages in kindergarten, kids are more probably to leg up over fu rther in the profession market. This from fact that the world is also be sexual climax so much diverse and the foreign language taught at this stage will enable the children to access the same opportunities with those that are of other countries or rather we can precisely say, the more young wait for the higher level the more they shall wait or even lack access to these opportunities. The benefit they gain is not just about their understanding concerning the foreign language, but latter in their studies also about the way of living of the nations speaking those languages. Clearly, the exact for bilingual, multilingual professional is advancing higher and higher for the reason of the expansion of globalization (Gil and alabau, 2006). For academic advancements, young kids studying foreign language usually have good attention skills to select and mention focus as compared to other children in older stage who only understands one language they also develop proficiency in the level o f language in reading, writing and speaking. Indeed according to the look for done by Cornell Language Acquisition La (1962) it shows that elementary school starters are 70 per cent more likely to reach an intermediate level of communication therefore exposure to secondary language in early ages plays important key business office in academic success. As if not sufficient argument to convince the opponents,Nitowski gives us the experience where she says that since she opened school in Danbury and started training that incorporated outside language in her Helena Nitowski kindergarten ,for the past fifteen years, it has proved to be integral component in producing productive member to the global society,. From Nitowski, Katz is so much exited that she even says, To young children, instructing on foreign language is like wiring the brain in different ways. The work of Nitowski never ended there, for latest cardinal years all the kids in Danbury have to attend fifth-grade (wester n Connecticut Academy) to study world culture and their language where they are basically taught in Spanish (Nikolov,M, 2009). According to Ellis and Mark (2005), some children do not make connection between the two languages due to lack of awareness and understanding of them. They argue that, Foreign languages taught in Kindergarten do not stick to the children for more than a year. According to Mark, many people do not remember any foreign language dustup they learnt. He states, Kindergarteners learn the same phrases, yet they do not remember. That shows that they cannot retain as much information as my opponent states. He goes ahead by saying that currently, elementary schools teach a different language every year and this does not help the children. Moreover, they become increasing confused with each coming year of elementary schools. I would like to strongly oppose the idea for, its all about which level to initiate and once started in Kindergarten, it should be continuous to the other levels. From above arguments, these instructions in Kindergarten are much important for any nation. Though there has aroused concern from the current research done by National defense education (2003), More money has been used in schools to purchase equipments, materials, and other items. All this have been used to utilise the instructional of foreign languages in Kindergarten, the major problem that exists is in determining which foreign language should be taught, for example, in New Orleans, French language is more of important to students. To conclusion, the profession development, intellectual development and higher comprehensive power in kids should motivate the educators as well as the entire nations in educating kids foreign language in their early ages. Though implementing this at the stage when they are beginning to learn the very first instruction in life may look sensitive. Still, training foreign languages to kids in kindergarten is awarding.Referenc esNikolov, M. (2009).Early learning of modern foreign languages Processes and outcomes. Bristol Multilingual Matters.Issues in Bilingual Education. (2001). S.l Branden PubMunoz, C. (2006). succession and the rate of foreign language learning. Clevedon Multilingual Matters. Watzke, J. L. (2003).Lasting change in foreign language education A historical case for change in national policy. Westport, Conn PraegerSource document

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Managing Change Exercises

Redesign RolesThe process of redesigning roles among business brass instruments rattling aim to make it feasible for business staffs to gather ways by which they atomic number 18 able to extend their skills, their capabilities of completing their jobs as members of the organization. The major aim is to actually serve the company serious through equalizing the ways by which the staffs are given their chance of differentiating their environment with that of the others.This then would naturally hold the employees strongly capable of shifting their capabilities of completing their jobs with the organization. shifting their responsibilities actually open the employees to new wave of tasks that actually enhance their skills as individuals as sound as assets of the organization. The aim of shifting their responsibilities and roles in the organization actually aims to help them get over the effects of work boredom. 2- Redesign Reward SystemEveryone has the right to overhear a chan ce to enjoy company rewards. It is innate however that the required standards for such rewards be shifted every now and then to allow others have a chance to enjoy the benefits of the said rewards according to their capabilities as individual workers of the company. Shifting the different requirements for the said rewards is a certain step up for the organizations way of motivating their people. 3- Act Consistently with Advocated exerciseWithout the administrations wise judgment of the situations that they are supposed to deal with, it is undeniable that the decision making process within the organization would weaken indeed making it harder for the business company to progress as a group of asset staff members within the industry that they are involved with. Moreover, the lack of advocated movement on the part of the administration would cause the entire organization to fail within the plans that they themselves have set to complete. Most likely, failure is the result of the ma jor plans that they are to suspend as part of the organizations progress. 4- Encourage Voluntary Acts of InitiativeEncouragement is one of the key reasons why people stay at the jobs that they are working at. Primarily, people feel that they are special or are worthy of the company if they are able to understand the fact that they are given the right tending by their employers through encouraging them to be their best at doing the tasks that they are particularly appointed to complete. Failure to do so would naturally cause the organizations failure in terms of boosting its staffs team spirit in performing well at their jobs.It is needful that a companys administration be able to adjust its priorities so as to be able to set the encouragement that they think is necessary by the staff. No matter how diverse the people within the organization maybe, the effective strategies of the administration in posting the plans for encouragement could actually boost the morale not only of the individuals but of the entire organization as well.EXERCISE 12.4Reflection on Your Experience of Change Profile of Yourself1. Repeat this list 2. wander yourself in regard to each action.The actions that have been mentioned within these activities are of high importance to the author as he views hem as primary foundations of organisational success. As for personal rating, the application if the two factors of management as mentioned herein has a good rating on the part of the authors self-evaluation, whereas, the flash phase of management which includes the two other factors of management is where the author rates quite lower than the accepted average rating.This is because of the fact that the author might have actually intended to boost the moral of the employees as individuals thus forgetting the fact that they have to be motivated as part of the entire organizations work force. 3. Which are the actions that you have identified as most in need of attention (those you rated p oor or very poor)?Through the personal evaluation that the author of this paper has done, he has primarily observed that the factors on advocated actions and the voluntary acts of initiative are the ones that require immediate action on the part of the organization that the author is currently involved with. This is because of the fact that the people who are working within the organization that he is involved with are not given such(prenominal) attention as they are not given fine options of actually being involved within the plans of the entire group.Hence, as a result, they are little motivated to perform at their best in the job-tasks that they are appointed with as part of the company. Consequently, the author of this paper aims to encourage the organization in actually giving importance to the said factors of business procedures. 4. Where possible, discuss your ratings with others in the group/class. Are any particular actions most commonly nominated as needing attention? Wh at could be done to develop your capacity in this regard?The factor that commonly requires action within the group is that of the Voluntary Acts of Initiative. It has been observed through the evaluation that the said factor of management is less likely given attention to by the administration as the people intend to be directed by the administration than that of actually serving as part of the company in a voluntary manner.The idea is that less people are able to check consideration of their actions as well as to how these acts particularly affect that of the organizations that they are currently working for. The assets and the major foundations of the organization lie stable within the capabilities of the organizations employees to work well, as well as voluntarily for the sake of their organizations success. True, with the self-pursuing attitude of the workers as the administration of the organization itself work well with them, the organization could stand tall in progress, thu s continuously advancing in terms of prosperous profit gains and performance level upgrade on the part of the employees.ReferencesPaul D. Houston , Stephen L. Sokolow. (2006). The Spiritual Dimension of Leadership 8 Key Principles to Leading More Effectively. Corwin ask.Peter G. Northouse. (2006). Leadership Theory and Practice. shrewd Publications, Inc 4 edition. Sage Publications, Inc 4 edition. ISBN-10 141294161X.Stephen R. Covey. (2004). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Free Press 15 Anv edition. ISBN-10 0743269519.Lynne Joy McFarland. (2001). 21st Century Leadership Dialogues With 100 Top Leaders. The Leadership Press Reissue edition. ISBN-10 0963601806.Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E. (2003) Reframing Organizations Artistry, Choice and Leadership, San Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass.Mark Williams. (2001). The 10 Lenses Your Guide to Living & Working in a Multicultural World ( with child(p) Ideas for Business & Personal Development). Capital Books.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Leadership vs. Management Essay

lead and man successionment must go hand in hand. They atomic number 18 not the same thing. But they ar necessarily linked, and complementary.The film directors job is to plan, organise and coordinate. The attractors job is to set off and motivate. In his 1989 adjudge On Becoming a Leader, Warren Bennis composed a list of the differencesthe bus administersthe attraction innovatesthe theatre director is a copythe leader is an originalthe manager maintainsthe leader developsthe manager focuses on systems and structuresthe leader focuses on flockthe manager relies on curbthe leader inspires wantthe manager has a short-range overhearthe leader has a long-range perspectivethe manager asks how and whenthe leader asks what and whythe manager has his/her eye always on the bottom linethe leaders eye is on the horizonthe manager imitatesthe leader originatesthe manager accepts the status quothe leader ch totallyenges itthe manager is the classic proficient soldierthe leader is h is/her give mortalthe manager does things rightthe leader does the right thingleadersAttributes of a leaderStudies, and develops ideas and principlesInnovatesResourceful and looks for solutions to problemsEmpathetic with a focus on peopleInspires trust among stakeholdersUnderstands the big pictureSuperior listening skillsCourageously challenges the state of affairs, and asks why and what potentiometer be improved Looks for opportunities to develop strengthsDevelops a followingA leaders specific roles are determined by means of the iv basic leadinghiphip responsibilities of directing, coaching, instigateing and delegating. Specific responsibilities will fall into superstar of these four categories. In leading practice, one must master skills in all areas in order to effectively lead others under their direction.Developing strengths in each of the four lead roles allows a leader to read specific smudges accurately and know what communication ardour is best applied. direc tDirecting refers to how to keep work tasks and activities on the right track. A leaders direction is what makes or breaks problem solving as well as determines the effectiveness of an approach to an assignment or task, the maintaining of momentum until its completion, and whether it is done by deadline. There are several ways to generate good direction techniques. These includeExplain things completely and include the whysLeaders learn early on that the best way to gain support and trust from their employees is to explain all things in their entirety. Once people reckon why something is important or necessary, they generally rally to the call of that which needs to be done or addressed.Remain visibleLeaders understand the index finger of their presence at all times. nonhing deflates the workforces motivation and desire to achieve more than to be left on their own with no visible means of support or direction.Objectively consider opposing points of viewLeaders consider situation s, problems and solutions from various viewpoints, as the input from as m any individuals as possible expands their capabilities to effectively frame their direction.CoachingCoaching refers to when a leader knows where he or she wants to go and remains in consider of the task but needs to lead others in developing a mutual support network. Coaching instils the desire to achieve and builds a dialogue keep going between the leader and those under his or her charge. Thismotivates employees and absolutely changes attitudes toward the work assignment. To do this effectively a leader must make an effort toIncorporate the denomination we into all conversationsEffective leaders eliminate the word I because it denotes a singular rather than cooperative effort. The very meaning of the term coaching implies a aggroup effort.Listen for objections and areas of mis understandingEffective leaders who coach well develop the skill of eliminating objections by developing an effective dialogue an d creating clear and telegraphic responses.Offer explanations addressing the whys, whats and hows of the problem or task at handGood coaching depends upon complete understanding. Motivation and sanction comes from understanding the expectations a leader has of those involved in a given task, assignment or problem solving situation.SupportingManagers mintnot be effective leaders un slight they actively hone their supporting skills. People look warmly on leaders who actively work to support them aflamely as well as physically. When leaders actively work to support the people under their charge theyAcknowledge individual efforts with comments of praise and positive supportLeaders are not scared to say thank you, or youre doing a great job, or whatever it takes to instil confidence in an individual.Disclose their own feelings openly and above plug-inLeaders are not afraid to reveal their inner self. Trust and loyalty are built on disclosing inward feelings, concerns and desires. R eadily and honestly hatchway up builds encouragement and perseverance on both sides.Never hesitate to ask, Whats wrong?Leaders allow themselves to get into the thick of a situation or task, and are quick to share the decision making responsibility, but know when to relinquish control in order to gain extra conflict and involvement.DelegatingLeaders know and understand their people. They know their strengths and weaknesses as well as what motivates and frustrates them. Effective delegating relies on the ability to select the proper mortal for the specific task or role. Leaders develop good delegation skills byBriefing the delegateLeaders leave nothing to chance when they delegate. When delegating, it is alert to explain exactly what expectations the leader has of the delegated individual.Having confidence in the mortal they selectLeaders do not select individuals for an assignment according to their job descriptions or the salaries they command, they look for people with the ski lls, abilities, perseverance and motivation to get the job done and done well.Not abdicating responsibility, but allowing individuals to decide a best course of go through for themselvesLeaders monitor and weigh these individual decisions, but never continue their own leadership position for a particular course of action unless they prizeit to be the best one.Understanding Theories of leadingTrait Theory of leadershipTrait Theory of Leadership is based on the assumption that people are born with inherited traits and some traits are specially suited to leadership. People who make effective leaders kick in the right (or sufficient) combination of traits and great leaders has some common personality characteristics.Traits/skills generally believed to be possessed by leaders can be classified into categories such asPhysical characteristics (e.g. age height weight alertness energetic)Background characteristics (e.g. education social status mobility experience)Intelligence characte ristics (e.g. ability judgement knowledge clever intelligent conceptually handy creative knowledgeable about group task intellectual breadth)Personality characteristics (e.g. aggressiveness alertness dominance decisiveness enthusiasm extroversion independence self-confidence authoritarianism assertive tolerant of stress)Task-Oriented characteristics (e.g. achievement needs responsibility orifice persistence ambitiousness achievement-orientated decisive persistent willingness to assume responsibility organised administrative abilitySocial characteristics (e.g. supervisory ability cooperativenesspopularity prestige tact diplomacy adaptability cooperative dependable tactful persuasive socially skilled emotional stability and composure good interpersonal skills).Look at the Social Characteristics above. Be honest with yourself and write down those characteristics you feel you have and those that you feel you politic need to work on.Behavioural theoriesBehavioural psychology, also kn own as behaviourism, is a scheme of learning based upon the idea that all behaviours are acquired through conditioning. Behavioural theories focus on how leaders behave and assume that leaders can be made, rather than born, and successful leadership is based on definable, learnable behaviour.Theory X and Theory YTheory X and Theory Y framework proposed by McGregor in his classic book The Human fount of Enterprise (1960) consists of two alternative set of assumptions. Theory X perceives employees to be lazy, irresponsible and untrustworthy, while according to theory Y employees are approached as one of the most valuable assets of the company.Your heed style is strongly influenced by your beliefs and assumptions about what motivates members of your police squad. If you believe that team members dislike work, you will tend towards an authoritarian style of management on the other hand, if you assume that employees take pride in doing a good job, you will tend to adopt a more partic ipative style.Theory XTheory X assumes that employees are naturally unmotivated and dislike working, and this encourages an authoritarian style of management. According to this view, management must actively intervene to get thingsdone. This style of management assumes that workersDislike working.Avoid responsibility and need to be directed.Have to be controlled, forced, and threatened to deliver whats needed. Need to be supervised at every step, with controls put in place. Need to be enticed to produce results otherwise they have no ambition or incentive to work.X-Type organisations tend to be aggrandisement heavy, with managers and supervisors required at every step to control workers. There is little delegation of authority and control remains firmly centralised.McGregor recognised that X-Type workers are in fact usually the minority, and yet in mass organisations, such as large scale production environment, X Theory management whitethorn be required and can be unavoidable.Theo ry YTheory Y explains a participative style of management that is de-centralised. It assumes that employees are happy to work, are self-motivated and creative, and enjoy working with greater responsibility. It assumes that workersTake responsibility and are motivated to fulfil the goals they are given. Seek and accept responsibility and do not need much(prenominal) direction. submit work as a natural part of life and solve work problems imaginatively.This more participative management style tends to be more widely applicable. In Y-Type organisations, people at lower levels of the organisation are involved in decision making and have more responsibility.Contingency theoriesFiedlers contingency bewilderThe Fiedler Contingency Model asks you to think about your natural leadership style, and the situations in which it will be most effective. The model says that leaders are either task-focused, or relationship-focused. Once you understand your style, it says that you can match it to s ituations in which that style is most effective.Fiedlers model consists of 3 primary elementsLeader-Member Relations This is the level of trust and confidence that your team has in you. A leader who is more trusted and has more influence with the group is in a more favourable situation than a leader who is not trusted.Task Structure This refers to the type of task youre doing clear and structured, or vague and unstructured. Unstructured tasks, or tasks where the team and leader have little knowledge of how to achieve them, are viewed unfavourably.Leaders Position Power This is the amount of power you have to direct the group, and provide reward or punishment. The more power you have, the more favourable your situation. Fiedler identifies power as beingness either strong or weak.There are some criticisms of the Fiedler Contingency Model. matchless of the biggest is pretermit of flexibility. Fiedler believed that because our natural leadership style is fixed, the most effective way to handle situations is to change the leader. He didnt allow for flexibility in leaders.Hersey-Blanchard Situational LeadershipThe Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership theory states that instead of using just one style, successful leaders should change their leadership styles based on the maturity of the people theyre leading and the details of the task. apply this theory, leaders should be able to place more or less emphasis on the task, and more or less emphasis on the relationshipswith the people theyre leading, depending on whats needed to get the job done successfully.We will look at situational leadership more close later on.Transformational LeadershipThe leadership style called transformational leadership is often the most effective approach to use. Transformational leaders have integrity, they inspire people with a shared vision of the future, they set clear goals, they motivate people towards these goals, they manage delivery, and they communicate well with their te ams.Transformational leaders are inspiring because they expect the best from everyone on their team as well as themselves. This leads to high productivity and engagement from everyone in their team.In many organisations, both transactional and transformational leadership styles are useful. Transactional leaders (or managers) check that routine work is done reliably, while transformational leaders look after initiatives that add new value.Its also important to use other leadership styles when necessary this will depend on the people youre leading and the situation that youre in.Tannenbaum and Schmidts continuumThe Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum is a simple model of leadership theory which shows the relationship between the level of freedom that a manager chooses to give to a team, and the level of authority used by the manager. As the teams freedom is increased, so the managers authority decreases. This is a positive way for both teams and managers to develop.Over time, a manager should aim to take the team from one end to the other, up the scale, at which point you should also aim to have developed one or anumber of potential successors from in spite of appearance your team to take over from you.When examining and applying the Tannenbaum and Schmidt principles, its extremely important to remember irrespective of the amount of responsibility and freedom delegated by a manager to a team, the manager retains accountability for any catastrophic problems that result. Delegating freedom and decision-making responsibility to a team absolutely does not absolve the manager of accountability.Thats why delegating, whether to teams or individuals, requires a very grown-up manager. If everything goes well, the team must get the credit if it all goes horribly wrong, the manager must take the blame. This is entirely fair, because the manager is eventually responsible for judging the seriousness of any given situation including the risks entailed and the level of free dom that can safely be granted to the team to deal with it. This is not actually part of the Tannebaum and Schmidt Continuum, but its vital to apply this philosophy or the model will definitely be weakened, or at worsened completely back-fire.Here are the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum levels of delegated freedom, with some added explanation that should make it easier to understand and apply.1.The Manager decides and announces the decisionThe manager reviews options in light of aims, issues, priorities, timescale, etc., then decides the action and informs the team of the decision. The manager will probably have considered how the team will react, but the team plays no active part in making the decision. The team may well perceive that the manager has not considered the teams welfare at all. This is seen by the team as a purely task-based decision, which is generally a characteristic of X-Theory management style.2.The manager decides and then sells the decision to the groupThe mana ger makes the decision as in 1 above, and then explains reasons for the decision to the team, particularly the positive benefits that the team will enjoy from the decision. In so doing the manager is seen by the team to recognise the teams importance, and to have some concern for the team.3.The manager presents the decision with background ideas and invites questionsThe manager presents the decision along with some of the background which led to the decision. The team is invited to ask questions and discuss with the manager the rationale behind the decision, which enables the team to understand and accept or agree with the decision more easily than in 1 and 2 above. This more participative and involving approach enables the team to appreciate the issues and reasons for the decision, and the implications of all the options. This will have a more motivational approach than 1 or 2 because of the higher level of team involvement and discussion.4.The manager suggests a provisional decisi on and invites discussion about itThe manager discusses and reviews the provisional decision with the team on the basis that the manager will take on board the views and then finally decide. This enables the team to have some real influence over the shape of the managers final decision. This also acknowledges that the team has something to sum up to the decision-making process, which is more involving and then motivating than the previous level.5.The manager presents the situation or problem, gets suggestions, then decidesThe manager presents the situation, and maybe some options, to the team. The team is encouraged and expected to advise ideas and additional options, and discuss implications of each possible course of action. The manager then decides which option to take. This level is one of high and specific involvement for the team, and is appropriate particularly when the team has more detailed knowledge or experience of the issues than the manager. Beinghigh-involvement and high-influence for the team this level provides more motivation and freedom than any previous level.6.The manager explains the situation, defines the parameters and asks the team to decideAt this level the manager has effectively delegated responsibility for the decision to the team, albeit within the managers stated limits. The manager may or may not choose to be a part of the team which decides. While this level appears to gives a huge responsibility to the team, the manager can control the risk and outcomes to an extent, according to the constraints that he stipulates. This level is more motivational than any previous, and requires a mature team for any serious situation or problem. (Remember that the team must get the credit for all the positive outcomes from the decision, while the manager remains accountable for any resulting problems or disasters. This isnt strictly included in the original Tannenbaum and Schmidt definitions, so it needs pointing out because its such an impo rtant aspect of delegating and motivating, and leadership.)7.The manager allows the team to identify the problem, develop the options, and decide on the action, within the managers received limitsThis is obviously an extreme level of freedom, whereby the team is effectively doing what the manager did in level 1. The team is given responsibility for identifying and analysing the situation or problem the process for resolving it developing and assessing options evaluating implications, and then deciding on and implementing a course of action. The manager also states in advance that he/she will support the decision and help the team implement it. The manager may or may not be part of the team, and if so then he/she has no more authority than anyone else in the team. The only constraints and parameters for the team are the ones that the manager had imposed on him from above. (Again, the manager retains accountability for any resulting disasters, while the team must get the credit for al l successes.) This level is potentially the most motivational of all, but also potentially the most disastrous. Not surprisingly the teammust be mature and competent, and capable of acting at what is a genuinely strategic decision-making level.Leadership StylesSome basic leadership stylesDirectiveFrequently described as autocratic. Tells people what to do and expects them to jump to it.ParticipativeSeeks input from others and participates in the decision-making process.Laissez-FaireA hands-off approach allowing for both initiative and the latitude to determine process to effect an outcomeAdaptiveA fluid style that takes into consideration the context of the environment and the individual being led.Using the techniques of LeadershipSituational leadershipSituational Leadership is a concept developed by Paul Hersey, an internationally recognised leading authority on training and increment in leadership and management and Kenneth Blanchard, an American author and management expert. Gen erally when referring to the concept it is safer and correct to show the name as a registered protected trademark as it relatesto business and products by Hersey and Blanchard.Looking at Directive Behaviour whereby the leader gives clear defined and detailed instructions, and Supportive Behaviour where the leader gives people the freedom to make decisions and support them in their efforts, Hersey and Blanchard moved away from the idea of shifting on a line between the two and consider good leadership as a combination of both.The idea is that the way of combination will vary according to the person being dealt with by the leader, and the situation on which that person operates, hence the term Situational Leadership.The notable features of this model are briefly that the model focuses on followers (individual team members), rather than wider workplace plenty emphasise that leaders should change their behaviour according to the type of followers proposes a progression of leadership adaptation in response to the development of followers.By combining high and low levels of each type of behaviour we progress towards four distinct styles of leadership.LevelGroup typeDevelopingD1Low competency / superior consignmentD2Some competence / Low commitmentD3High competence / Variable commitmentDevelopedD4High competence / High commitmentAppropriate leadership styles for each development levelDevelopment LevelAppropriate Leadership StyleD1Low competence / High commitmentS1Directing(Structure, control and supervise)D2Some competence / Low commitmentS2Coaching(Direct and support)D3High competence / Variable commitmentS3Supporting(Praise, listen and facilitate)D4High competence / High commitmentS4Delegating(turn over responsibility for day-to-day decision making)DirectingThe leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises the task. This style is appropriate for people who lack skill but are committed and eager to learn or those who do not want responsibility an d want clear, specific instructions.CoachingThe leader gives some direction and supervision because team members, although they have some competence and commitment, are still relatively inexperienced, therefore require further development. They need support and praise to boost their self-esteem. Their involvement indecision making assists with the development process.SupportingEven though team members do not need much direction, good support by the leader is still necessary to motivate and boost confidence.DelegatingTeam members are both competent and committed therefore leader can give them responsibility for decision making and problem solving with little supervision or support.Power in Organisation LeadershipLeadership and power are closely linked. Powerful people are normally those that others follow, so they become the leaders.The five bases of power were identified by basin French and Bertram Raven in the early 1960s through a study they had conducted on power in leadership r oles. The study showed how different types of power affected ones leadership ability and success in a leadership role.They identified five bases of power1.LegitimateThis comes from the belief that a person has the formal right to make demands, and to expect compliance and obedience from others.2.RewardThis results from one persons ability to compensate another for compliance.3.ExpertThis is based on a persons superior skill and knowledge.4.ReferentThis is the result of a persons perceived attractiveness, worthiness, and right to respect from others.5.CoerciveThis comes from the belief that a person can punish others for noncompliance.If youre aware of these sources of power, you canBetter understand why youre influenced by someone, and decide whether you want to accept the base of power being used. Recognise your own sources of power.Build your leadership skills by using and developing your own sources of power, appropriately, and for best effect.TrustThe first task of any leader is to inspire trust. Trust is confidence born of two dimensions character and competence. Character includes your integrity, motive, and intent with people. Competence includes your capabilities, skills, results, and track record. Both dimensions are vital.The foundation of trust is your own credibility, and it can be a real differentiator for any leader. A persons reputation is a direct reflection of their credibility, and it precedes them in any interactions or negotiations they might have.Behaviours you can adopt to build trust in yourselfTalk StraightDemonstrate RespectCreate TransparencyRight WrongsShow dedicationDeliver ResultsGet BetterConfront RealityClarify ExpectationPractice AccountabilityListen FirstKeep CommitmentsExtend TrustBibliographyThe contend Street JournalArticle What is the difference between Management and Leadership (last accessed 4 rarefied 2013) (http// dership/) The Biz CoachArticle 10 chance on Differences between Leaders and Managers (last accessed 4 August 2013) (http// FuncArticle Trait Theory of Leadership (last accessed 4 August 2013) (http// Article Behavioural Theories of Leadership (last accessed 7 August 2013) (http// PsychologyArticle Psychology Theories (last accessed 7 August 2013) (http// Research MethodologyArticle Theory X and Theory Y (last accessed 7 August 2013) (http// ToolsArticle Theory X and Theory Y (last accessed 7 August 2013) (http// Fiedlers Contingency Model (last accessed 11 Augus t 2013) (http// The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory (last accessed 11 August 2013) (http// French and Ravens Five Forms of Power (last accessed 11 August 2013 (http// Fiedlers contingency model to leadership (by Bhobotosh Debnath)(last accessed 11 August 2013) (http// Businessballs.comArticle Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum (last accessed 11 August 2013) (http// Build NetworkArticle Leadership styles to master (last accessed 11 August 2013) (http// The Fast TrackArticle The 5 Types of Power in Leadership (last accessed 11 August 2013) (http// Leadership NowArticle How the best leaders build trust (last accessed 11 August 2013) (http//

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dictator Benito Mussolini

Dictator Benito Mussolini rose to tycoon in Italy in the year 1922 as a fascistic Dictator. Years earlier, Mussolini began his policy-making career as a Revolutionary Socialist, but by 1919 he was able to mold the Italian presidential term into a paramilitary unit Fascist dictatorship giving him full bid of Italy by 1922. Mussolini forged the Italian government into a Fascist Dictatorship under his control where he ab employ his index number and performed criminal and unjust activities.Before Mussolini came to power the Italian mafia was still an extremely prominent group within Italy. The organized offence society functioned in illegal ways through drug trafficking, human trafficking and extortion. After close observation, scholars noticed that Mussolinis Fascism and the Italian mafia work in quasi(prenominal) ways in that they try to control and manipulate pack using their power and fear.Mussolinis fascism and the mafia excessively conduct a same way of traffic with co rruption and gaining control of people. This furtherto a greater extent demonstrates how Mussolini acted in a deceitful way similar to the Italian maffia. He did this through his legal actions of bribery towards the mafia for his own political and personal gain, unjust and unfair treatment of people, and being intolerant of the beliefs of others through extreme acts.The mafia was an Italian crime organization that originated in Sicily Italy and was taken to the joined States through Italian immigrants moving to the United States in the late nineteenth century. The Italian mafia is a nedeucerk of organized crime groups based in Italy which evolved over many decades in Sicily. Until the middle of the 19th century Sicily was an island ruled by many diametric foreign invaders. People of Sicily began to unite in groups to withstand others and themselves in order to live in peace and unity.The term Mafioso is translated to a member of the mafia, however originally the word had no assoc iation to criminal connections and was used to refer to a person who was suspicious of being connected to central authority. By the 19th century, many of these criminal organizations titled themselves as private armies, also k right awayn as the mafia. The mafia briefly evolved into a corrupt group who committed felonies like drug trafficking, human trafficking, and extortion and eventually became one of the most wild criminal organization groups known today as the Sicilian Mafia.Fascism is defined as a political philosophy, crusade, or regime that exalts nation and often consort above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a despotical attractor, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of emulation. Fascism places a very strong emphasis on patriotism and nationalism and is less focused on the wellbeing of the individuals rather than military power.People who fair game and criticize the nations main ideals such as war are harshly chastised as unpatriotic and against the nation and can result in many unalike punishments the worst being treason. Additionally, Fascism loathes the principles of economic equality and disdains equality between immigrant, citizen, and government.Mussolini started out as a soldier in WWI until he was injured, afterwards he became a leading promoter of fascism. He started originally as a revolutionary socialist, but as his power began to grow he started to grow the paramilitary fascist movement in 1919. In 1922 Mussolini became the prime minister.The black shirts were members of the Fascist regime who marched on Rome and made Mussolini their Fascist leader. Mussolini worked to progress the Paramilitary Fascist movement in Italy during the years of 1919-1921. He then harassed his new power to March on Rome, and ultimately become Prime Minister. Mussolini then began to seize dictatorial power and transform the government into what he wanted it to become.Additi onally, Mussolini was intolerant to any other political or religious beliefs that differed from his, which led to extreme uses of violence and take out upon people.Mussolini started his rule of Italy by turning the country into a Fascist Dictatorship that was to bow down to him and notwithstanding him. Among the many other flaws in Mussolinis ruling, the fascist guidelines he followed were intolerant to opposition and was so ill prepared to be a leader of a country.Mussolini had no way of dealing with adversity or different threatening groups, other than consolidating his power and demonstrating his strength through the government and law. Yet, the threat of the law was still not enough to keep Mussolini from doing the right thing. Mussolini began to use the Italian Mafia as an ally to not only come to power but to help maintain his ideals in the country where the mafia was most occupying.Although twain Mussolini and the Mafia were intolerant to anyone with other beliefs Mussoli ni still needed his Mafioso allies for a time, especially their aid in maintaining law. This action is seen as the beginning of the numerous mischievous works that Mussolini gets himself mixed in with while he was in power. Aliening with a mafia organized crime group while in power is a sign of corrupt behavior and demonstrates his want for political gain without compromise or tolerance.The phrase for a time indicates an ulterior motive of provision to abandon the mafia after he has already benefited from the gain he had hoped the Mafia would help him achieve. Mussolini transformed the country of Italy into a Fascist Dictatorship which gave him the power to control everything and everyone in the country without retaliation. In order to keep the positive opinions of his people he used the Italian mafia to execute certain decisions made.He used the mafia to make his popularity rise in areas he was not pertaining to as much, During the first two years of his regime compelling reasons to enter into collaborations with potent Mafioso, men who were capable of enforcing law and order in the countryside. This furthermore proves the point of Mussolini using the mafia for political gain without having his actions being recorded back to him, therefrom he highly influenced the organized crime group to his benefit.This is an unfit and negative attribute for a leader of a country, this relates Mussolini much to the Italian mafia which functions in the same way. However, while neither case is okay in Mussolinis case it is more important because his actions affects the entirety of Italy.One of the major components to Fascism is its intolerance and narrow-mindedness towards people in all aspects of their lives. A Fascist Dictatorship entitles Mussolini to do as he pleases, therefore when the Mafia did not assist him in his inclination for unethical political gain, Mussolinis retaliation become very strong. Above all else Mussolini was determined to destroy any possibility of effective land occupations and to suppress banditism.A major goal of Mussolinis was to eliminate the mafia and all organized crime in Italy, he was the first leader of Italy to go to Sicily to take major action. The determination that Mussolini has to take vengeance on the Mafia shows that the way he acts is a sign of immaturity and very alike to the actions of an organized crime group would when faced with an issue. Although the attempted ending of the Mafia would have been good for Italy, Mussolinis actions were not totally righteous.An ulterior motive of helping himself through destroying the group that refused Mussolinis offer for political gain demonstrates his intolerance towards groups and people that refuse or differ from him. Mussolini had previously used the Italian mafia to bend the law and help him in his Fascist regime, but when the Mafia soon began to stop these actions, Mussolini visitd against the organized group through methods the mafia would use.However, as a leader of a country Mussolini should handle himself in a much more professional. In the meantime, his hand strengthened by the electoral victory of 1924, Mussolini declared war on the Mafia. In May 1924, he made a exultant tour of Sicily to consolidate his political gains of the previous month. Mussolinis almost immediate action of punishment and retaliation towards the mafia for not doing as he instructed demonstrates not only his power hungriness but also his intolerance to others in nearly every regard. By consolidating his political gains he is compelling the people of Sicily to support him and his administration otherwise they will face his consequences and punishments.The Mafia and Mussolinis Fascism function in a similar way in regards to retaliation, both(prenominal) have a refusal to be controlled by another force or person.Mussolini was the first ruler of Italy to go on to the Mafia filled island of Sicily as well as attempt to create a plan to end the corruption. Musso lini was not taking care of the dangerous Mafia because of the well-being of the Italian people, but instead because they do not believe in his Fascist regime.The Mafia is not supportive of Fascism because it has a more negative effect on their business which makes them more of a target by the government. Mussolini wanted the Mafia imprisoned so, Thousands of suspected Mafia criminals had been captured and tens of thousands of years of imprisonment had been handed down in penal sentence. Since Mussolini turned the government in Italy to a now Fascist dictatorship he has the power and ability to commit their actions without any repercussions or laws in his way.Fascism entitled Mussolini to punish and imprison whomever he chose however, his actions demonstrate those similar to the Italian Mafias. When Mussolini began to capture Mafiosos people noticed that, When we passed through Sicily, the prisoners were crammed with these unfortunates. Later, I got to know youths of eighteen and ni neteen years who said they were accused of crimes committed before they were born. The action of imprisoning children and innocent people accused of crimes committed before they were born demonstrates a characteristic with Mussolini that shows an ulterior motive of not caring about the corruption the Mafia has caused but caring about personal and political gain. The Mafia has done torturous actions like this when people refuses them which demonstrates a common connection between how the two different groups function.Mussolini demonstrates his unfit behavior to be a leader of a country when he begins his retaliation against the Mafia.Because of their refusal, Mussolini treated the people in the Mafia with extract cruelty through his punishments towards the group for rejection of fascist beliefs. Mussolini imprisoned people through, We were jammed into various stinking, crowded cells I was placed in a cell with already twenty or thirty prisoners belonging to the mafia or black hand an d the widely known Sicilian society which the Mussolini government is said to have destroyed. This obviously demonstrate the unfair and irrational treatments of people. History has shown the Mafia punishment or victimizing people through various different types of harsh punishment therefore when Mussolini imprisons people in such a difficult way the similarities between fascism and the mafia become extremely present.The march on Rome is another sinless example of Mussolini and The Mafia working in a similar conduct. Mussolini and the black shirts took control of Rome and the Italian government through force and turned it into the government that they wanted. The mafia functions very closely to that through their actions of force upon people.The illegal business conducted in the mafia has made the people within it rise to power with a high influence and heavy threats. Mussolini and the mafia have this aggressive power in common with one another demonstrating Mussolinis unfit qualiti es to be a leader and the type of fascist regime he is dictating is like those of an organized crime group.Overall Mussolini turned the Italian government into a Fascist Dictatorship under his control and consolidated power in a similar to the Italian Mafias.Mussolini used the Mafias power for political and personal gain to help his own regime, then began to retaliate against the Italian mafia when they did not do as he had told. His retaliation was through ridiculous punishments demonstrating his lack of tolerance for opinions and beliefs differing from his own. Finally, the parallel resemblance between both the Mafia and Mussolinis Fascism demonstrates the common connection between both parties in the way that they conduct themselves.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Evaluation Essay Essay

The National Basketball Association, popularly Known as the NBA, was established in New York City on June 6, 1946, as the Basketball Association of America and the lolly Bulls became a member of the NBA after their establishment in 1966. Since becoming the NBA, the hoops played during the playoffs has proven to be far more competetive than that played during the regular season of at least 60 games per team. This was proven beyond doubt when the Chicago Bulls defeated the Brooklyn Nets in the 2013 playoffs after trailing by 14 points with only 3 minutes and forteen seconds of regulation time left. This was quite hard to believe and turned out to be an unpredicted reality despite the susceptibility of the Chicago Bulls to injury and the absence of their superstar, Derick Rose. With the emergence of the 2008 number 1 compose pick of the NBA, Derick Rose, drafted by the Chicago Bulls, there was hope for an NBA title for the city of Chicago which has not had both hope since the Michae l Jordan era. After the horrible 2012/2013 regular season in which the Bulls suffered a great deal of injuries worst than any other NBA team, the Bulls head into the playoffs understood short handed. The first impression about this Bulls team is their resiliency considering their success into the playoffs despite the injury woes. The first round featured the Bulls and the Nets in what is suppose to be a s unconstipated game series with the winner being any team with the first four wins. The ii teams meet at the Barclays Center in New York for game 4 of the series with the Bulls leading cardinal games to one. The game appeared to be pretty even within the first three quarters untill the nets blowout to a 14 point lead with exactly 3 minutes and 14 seconds of playtime left on the clock. At this point, no one could see the possibilty of a Bulls win considering the absence of a superb playmaker standardised their all-star point guard, Derick Rose who used to lead them to numerous comeback wins. Notwithstanding, the bull throughs backup point guard, Nate Robinson, who is just 5 9 tall, Weighing 180 lb popularly reffered to as little Nate by most basketball journalists and analysts went to work. He can be reffered to at this point as the savior, but who could have imagined that at a crucial point like this, it will be the backup point guard, who is not ony the smallest player on the bulls roster but also one of the least regarded who will bail them out. With the nets leading by 14 at this point, all hope was lost but the Bulls director, turkey cock Thibedeau, was still on his toes with the hope to salve the situation.Nate took over, first by hitting a three point basket. The lead was down to 11, but the Nets coach was pretty relaxed and still had hope for a victory while little Nate thought otherwise. He make 90% of all the points made by the Bulls from this point on. With the Nets loosing the ball at the other end, the bulls converted at the other end.By the time the short clock was at 114, the bulls had made and 80 run, and the battle was far from done. This was quite unexpected for many reasons. The basketball played during the playoff is way more competitive such that it is rare to see an 8-0 run at a crucial point such as in this situation. In addition to this, the bulls were very short handed compared to a very health Brooklyn team with promissing reserves as well. It all came down to this Who had the passion, who had the drive as one of the journlists noted. At this point, even though Little Nate was the main playmaker for the bulls, all the players stepped up their game. Everyone was alert. The rebounding was up, the defending up, the players seemed unstopable at this point. Still, everyone still doubted a bulls win who were still down by 6 points with 114 left on the clock. Notwithstanding, the bulls believed in themselves and kept the pace. With the players doing a great job, there was one man who can be reffered to at th is point as the fuel, the coach, Tom Thibedeau. He was sensational, and constantly on his toes and he is regarded as someone who believes in winning with no regards to whoever is on the court, whether they are stars, superstars, rookies or average players. This was the mentality he impacted on the bulls despite the absence of their beaver player. With 111 left, the bulls continue to make their run through Nate. Relative to his performance that night, this little guy wire appeared very tall and not even Brook Lopez, a very big guy of 7 ft 0 and 275 lb on the opposing team could stop him. Lopez put a grand body on little Nate whose intelligence overcame the doggy defence. He continued to nock down shots to everyones suprise. Big things come in small packages one of the journalists said in reference to his astounding performance. both(prenominal) teams were level at the end of the fourth quarter and headed for overtime. This was a turning point for both teams. while the nets playe d well, the bulls were clearly the team with the bigger drive to win. Nothing could be seen to limit the bulls not even age in the case of veteran center Nazr Mohammad, the oldest guy on the bulls roster who came off the judicature and hit a huge basket with a great offensive rebound thatsolidified the bulls win in the third overtime. In conclusion, the bulls win over the nets in game 4 of the 2013 NBA playoffs was a thriller and no body could have seen it coming. It is worth noting that, believe and hardwork was the driving force of such an unexpected comeback.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Communication †Differences Between Men and Women

Communication Differences surrounded by Men and Women According to Fiona Sheridan, The consequences of differences in linguistic activity between men and women in the workplace are enormous (2007). Women create feelings of closeness by conversing with their friends or loved 1s. They have a tendency to glide by by consensus. This means, they use the information gathered by different women and make a decision base on the wishes of the group. Men, on the other hand, seek to establish and maintain status and dominance (Tannen, 1990). When communication is not effective, it can have severe consequences on an organization. Each sex essential decide what it is that they are feel for, decide how they want to receive it, what order they want to receive it, and decide how they want to process it. We must realize that each communication style has certain strengths. To have successful working relationships with members of the opposite sex, you in any case have to know why those diff erences matter and what to do about them. (Kelley, 2010, p13) Both men and women can direct and offer a lot.Margery Weinstein said it best when she said that, Each gender is a culture unto itself, one that comes with certain norms and standards that can be misunderstood by those of the opposite sex (Weinstein, 2006, p8). Below are any(prenominal) differences in the way women and men draw Ways Women communicate 1)Women more likely talk to other women about problems. 2)Women are more relationship oriented. 3)Woman share experiences and ask questions. Ways Men communicate 1)Men exert problems to themselves. )Status and dominance are important to men. 3)Men give information rather than ask questions. There is definitely an touch on in the workplace when there is a difference in communication between men and women. The difference in the communication styles can lead to confusion between the two parties. This can create superfluous tension between the two genders.The key is to rea lize that either gender can effectively communicate as long as they are equally valid in getting the message relayed to its mean target. Discussion The main topic was whether there was a difference in how men & women communicate and whether it has an jolt in the workplace. Beyond gender-related communication differences, awareness of gender-related communication barriers may play a key purpose in the effectiveness of communication (Schneider, 2007). It would prove beneficial for companies to teach their employees how to have effective communication when gender may be involved.The bulk of my research was done by utilizing information gathered from the internet and ProQuest. precious insight was collected on this topic. Many large number do believe there are differences in how the two genders communicate. If we consider both communication styles and associated values in practice, we will increase chances of all people representing either style to join the communication process, regardless of their gender (Rawluszko, 2009, p54). ?

Why I Became A Nurse

Nursing was non always something that I wanted to do in the beginning. I wanted to be a Photographer. expression back at that period in my life there were many areas of my life that I indispens adequate to(p) to assess. I already had a daughter and was currently going to initiate for Photography. So the question became do I keep my passion, and will it always pay the bills? Alternatively, do I change career paths and act a new career that I know will pay the bills and will always brook for my family?My JourneyI knew that I would be a good nurse. I was loving, kind, thoughtful, a good communicator, liked helping people, I was caring, and I also liked math and science. The Journal of Nursing Education states, researchers found the concepts of caring and nurturance were place as high motivators for choosing nursing (Williams, Wertenberger, Hames, Gushuliak, 1997). At that time, I was working back office at a Urology office and was going to school. I decided one day that to be abl e to set up for my daughter if something were to happen between my husband and I that I could always support us. Therefore, my journey began. A Journey Amongst FriendsI was privileged enough to go to nursing school with my best friend Harley. We had gone to school since Elementary school. I knew that if we did it together that I would make it to graduation. I was right we did make it to graduation. We had some difficulties and it was a very stressful time in our lives, except we made it.ConclusionNow, at this point in my life, I have a bun in the oven been a nurse for eight and a half years, and I am very fortunate that I chose this career. I have not only been able to help provided for my husband and our three kids, but I also enjoy taking care of people and not just the paycheck. I have been able to help many pregnant woman through their painful childbirth. I have been ableto assist to comfort them when their babies do not make it, and so much more. I can regulate that after eight and a half years that I chose the right profession, and I am fair darn good at it.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Film Music Critique Essay

Action, suspense, love, and drama are all the makings for a great take in. None of these key features to a film could have any substance or feeling without the help of melody. Composers play a big manipulation for setting the tone of the movie, developing characters, travel along or supporting action, and depicting the time and location the movie is taking place. In the movie Heat, Elliot Goldenthal does just that. Goldenthal was born in NY in 1954 and studied medication under John Corigliano and Aaron Copeland. His partner is Julie Taymor and he won an Oscar for the movie Frida which Julie directed.Goldenthal has composed for several films as intumesce as concert halls, theater and dance. He also has written an opera Grendel, which premiered in 1996 by The LA Opera Company. The movie opens with the main title fading in from black accompanied by a light string tone with horns punting them up (with a quick electric guitar when De Niros and Pacinos names appear). This sets the overall tone for the movie presenting more of a serious / dramatic feel. The LA tube begins to immerge into the background.The music complements the train highly, closely resembling the way Quincy Jones scored the opening of In Cold Blood with the bus passing by. There is a little change to the music when Robert De Niros character appears on screen which has a jazz tone that lets the audience know that this is in the city, in this case downtown Los Angeles. The music follows De Niro to an parking brake hospital. At this point the music turns more intense with guitar and a prominent bass line moving the action along.There is a use of low thread moving very rapidly in the background that helps push the action along even more as he walks through the E.R. This music carries on when the scene cuts and goes to Val Kilmer making a purchase in a construction yard. The music connects the devil characters by carrying over through the scene. It also has an ominous feel that suggest that these two characters are more than likely the villains in the movie. The scene cuts to the hero, Al Pacino, with his wife and the music abruptly stops. This distinguishes his character of the hero, from the other two villain characters. At the end of the movie Robert De Niros character is trying to escape the country with the girlfriend while Al Pacinos character is right on his tail.There is a snatch when De Niro realizes he can non make it out with the girl and in and unspoken stare he leaves. The music matches the feeling of the moment using long drown out chords creating that sense a wanting and loss. As Pacino chases De Niro through a field the music stops to intensify the action and set up the final scene. The music fades back in shortly before Pacino shoots De Niro. The music carries into a high key riff that is repeated with strings playing four tones slowly behind the keys.The music grows louder adding more instruments such as large cymbals and carries into the credits. Goldenthals score was replaced in the final scene with Mobys God Moving Over the Face of the Water. conductor Michael Mann felt that Mobys music better represented a feeling of relief, that it was over, that Pacino finally got his guy. At the corresponding time the music related the two characters. Opposite from the beginning where the music separated the two, here it connects them demonstrating how they were not that different and had respect and admiration for each other.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Culturally Diverse Students Essay

Today our classrooms, just standardised families, are becoming more unique and blended. Teachers are tasked with in effect teaching students with disabilities and various cultural and linguistic stresss. In position for educators to meet the ask of their students, key strategies mustiness be implemented that aloneow for positively affect their students academically and behaviorally. This paper reflects on the have it away of angiotensin-converting enzyme of these families and identifies key strategies to maximize the potential of cultural and linguistically especial(a) students. BackgroundI was lucky plenty to interview a family that I vex rag toed with over the days as a nanny. For the purposes of this paper and the namelessness of the family I am using the names Lucy and Chris (to refer to the mother I interviewed and her husband) and jam (to refer to the exceptional child). Because I have been twisting in this familys home for a number of years I am able to give a n accurate overview of their socioeconomic status. Lucy and Chris self-identify as Afri commode-American and live in San Pedro, CA where the population is 76,415 with 59% identifying as Caucasian and 8% identifying as African American.The town can be classified as predominately middle class as the median household income is $62,422 (City Data, 2011). Lucy completed some college and works full-time as a manager of a credit union. She lives in a three-bedroom house with her oldest son, her young son, throng, who is now 15, and her husband. James is a lively young man with autism who is on the moderate/severe view of the spectrum. He is an exceptional swimmer and participates in his broad(prenominal) school public P. E. curriculum. He struggles with social interactions and has very(prenominal) little expressive language.He has learned to use a GO TALK to communicate functionally. James is very sensitive to his environment and sometimes becomes overwhelmed by loud noises and crow ded spaces. Autism affects 188 children and the preponderance is on the rise. It is the fastest growing developmental disability in the U. S. It is five times more in all likelihood for boys to have autism than girls. It is characterized by language delays, social delays, and repetitive patterns of behavior (Facts About ASD, 2012). Lucy knows that I am in the process of yieldting my special education credential and that my own family member has DS-ASD. When she wasinterviewing me for the nanny position years ago she was nervous and unsure about letting anybody come into her home. After I told her about my supportground and how some(prenominal) I have learned from my brother she began to open up and become more lucky with me. She has since then told me how thankful she is for me and how nice it is to have somebody that understands her son. Discovering and Reacting to Disability It all started in preschool school. The teacher unploughed telling Lucy, I dont think he can hear. A nd Lucy kept saying, He can hear just fine The teacher kept saying the equivalent thing so lastly she took him to the doctor.This experience supports the research on passkeys in early education or elementary school programs be the parents initial source of information about their childs special fatalitys (Turnball et. Al, 2011, p. 77). Denial was the first phase in the process of Lucy learning to accept her sons autism. Lucy too said other members of her family were in denial, including her husband and father. Her father told them they were non disciplining him enough on multiple occasions. She did not talk about any anger, bargaining, or depression phases before finding acceptance (The Grieving cultivate ppt, 2013).Lucy has immense inner strength that I truly admire. After a doctor diagnosed James, Lucy and Chris told their family and her mother pushed her to get extra support. Lucy tells me she probably wouldnt have ever make gone for it if it werent for her mother becaus e they have always worked for everything they had and lively comfortably and didnt want to ask for help. A persons finale whitethorn affect treatment decisions and is a good deal associated with certain socioeconomic or geographical constraints related to accessing distribute (Mandell & Novak, 2005, p. 113).Reaching out for support was not something the family wanted to do and because they lived in San Pedro, accessing the right service often required traveling long distances. Educators must recognize the relationship between status and our societys symbols of success (holding a job, having a place to live, and being independent). As an educated service provider, I am always caught off guard by a familys hesitation about pursuing serve (even my own family never sought out extra help). My professional experience has ingrained in me the splendor of early intervention.Many African-American families seek help from family, friends and church groups before they will get professional help for their child (Dyches et al. , 2004) (Litten, 2008, p. 5). Lucys perspective and her mothers reaction had both been influenced by her experience with her sister, who was developmentally delayed as well. She said her mother wished she had gone and gotten services for her. But when they were growing up, Lucy said, It wasnt something you did. Our family was poor. We did whatever we did to survive and both of my parents worked. Educators need to keep the roles of culture, poverty, and historical perspectives in mind as we work with these families because they have an wedge on the attitudes and behaviors of families with exceptional children. In Lucys family growing up, there was a want of awareness about the availability of services. As educators, we must consider the lack of awareness and the socioeconomic factors that retard certain families from taking advantage of the services that they are entitled to. We cant expect them to press if they arent aware of what is available .We must take on this role. Teacher dodging 1 Fairness is When a Child Gets What He/She Needs Over the years, Lucy and James struggled with the schools changing James placements. It wasnt until she came to the school to observe him and found him sitting in a corner of the classroom, on a couch, rocking back and forth for hours with no attention or demands placed on him that she decided to pull him out of the dominion completely. During their search for a new junior high school they came across programs that were solely focused on vocational skills.Lucy and Chris felt their son had more important academic skills to obtain before teachers started teaching him how to get a job. They didnt expect him to be a scholar, but they did want him to have access to general reading, writing, and math curriculum. Education, rather than life skills, was more of a priority for them. They added an inclusion goal in his side by side(p) IEP. James would participate in general P. E. and math or comput er class. According to Kathryn Pitten, Cultural mores may determine which treatment goals families will accept and which goals they will decide not to work towards.Also, parenting style will determine which goals are viewed as important. (Pitten, 2008, p. 4). Teachers must be responsible for developing a classroom program that fosters the understanding and maintain for individual differences and discusses what fairness means to each student. Teacher strategy 2 turn out a Positive Collaboration Between Parents and Teachers Lucy admitted that she did not take an aggressive approach to getting James all of the supports he needed.Most of the things she learned she stumbled upon through conversations with other parents, teachers, and paraprofessionals (all of which have worked out in their favor). She believes she has done the best she can for her son. Once again, awareness was lacking and because of that this family did not get the support they needed until much later on. This is con sistent with literature addressing service accessibility in that ethnic minorities typically access services at a much lower rate than their Caucasian counterparts (Balcazar, Keys, & Balcazar, 2001).Learning how the school system could work for her son was a significant stressor for her. If educators embraced the full reality of the students and familys life and connected to supporting emotional and academic needs (Turnball et. Al, 2011, p. 147) this could help to bridge the gap between home and school. let parents know that you believe in their child is sometimes all it takes to give your familys hope. Teacher strategy 3 Implement Culturally Responsive Teaching Ford (2012) points out that African Americans are the solely involuntary minority group.African Americans live in a society where race affects every diorama of their lives. The overrepresentation of Black students in special education has been dissected, discussed, and debated (Ford, 2012). We need to understand the negati ve effects racism has on our children and be sensitive to the history of previous schooling of exceptional students. Some Moderate/Severe students, like James, are moved from program to program (several times a year). Teachers need to understand that not all children in their classroom have learned the same things and they cant be taught in the same environment at the same time.We need to differentiate and individualize our instruction by providing a good range of materials and utilizing several learning strategies. School strategy 4 Ensure Each Student toilet Identify With Someone One of the best things to happen to James in his freshman year of high school was joining the Big Brothers and Sisters program in his local community. Having a role model someone to look up to, relate with, and rely on has made such a meaningful impact on his life.Lucy reflected on the first time James was invited to watch the local football team His organization lit up. He jumped up and down and coul dnt contain his excitement. Teachers need to facilitate healthy inclusive relationships school-wide. It is our job to spread awareness about disability and help all students to become sensitive to the viewer of differences. Conclusion James family hopes that one day he will be able to live in a supported living community with roommates but like many families with exceptional members, the future is uncertain.Teachers need to take an active role in the transition planning process and remember that culturally diverse families do not have the same values as those of the dominant culture. (Turnball et. Al, 2011, p. 89). These families deserve our utmost respect and attention. Showing parents that you are interested in their story can lead to unexpected successes. In order to truly do our jobs we must make our professional story a part of their family story.